Maintenance of a engine is vital and is a lot more straight forward than most people think. Weekly water checks and oil checks can go a long way in preserving the life expectancy of your engine. Fortunatley for the percentage who have encountered engine problems, Birkenhead Engine Exchange are here to help and have a great reputation for being reliable, honest and at the same time providing a first class service at reasonable prices.
Engine reconditioning, engine repairs, parts cleaning available, turbo reconditioners, suppliers, all engine parts supplied including gaskets, electrics and diagnostics using the latest equipment, gearboxes and clutches supplied and fitted, all types of bearings pressed with 50 tonne press, most emergency work undertaken, parts, discs and exhausts supplied and fitted at competative prices, boring cylinder blocksgrinding... cranks, full cylinder head overhauls, head skims and welding available.
Q. What is a remanufactured engine?
A. A remanufactured engine is exactly that - an engine which has been returned to the manufacturer's specification to provide levels of performance, reliability and life similar to that of the original engine. It is not a "replacement", "exchange" or "rebuilt" engine.
Q. Is a remanufactured engine different from a rebuilt one?
A. Yes. A remanufactured engine has gone through a rigorous programme of cleaning checks etc. A rebuilt engine, although perhaps suitable for some applications, will not be to the same standard.
Q. Why is a remanufactured engine better?
A. Because it has been built to a much higher standard with new components and tolerances to the manufacturer's specifications.
Q. Can all engines be remanufactured?
A. Generally yes, but it depends on the damage that may have been done to the engine. For example, if a conrod has gone through the side of the block than the block cannot be reused.
Q. How long does it take to remanufacture an engine?
A. This depends very much on the engine size and specification, but typically 3 to 5 days.
Q. When an engine is remanufactured, is it my own engine that I get back?
A. This depends on what you have agreed with the member. In most situations it will be your engine. The member, however, will consider the work that needs to be done and work out a cost for this. In some cases it may be a less expensive option to have an exchange engine. In this case you will not get your own engine back.
Q. What is an exchange engine?
A. An exchange engine is just that. Within the industry there are companies that remanufacture engines on a production line basis. This gives them economies of scale that allow them to market engines at prices lower than taking an engine and remanufacturing it from scratch. In this instance your engine is sent to them on an exchange basis for them to remanufacture.
Q. Is that a good thing?
A. A very good thing. Remanufacturing engines is a very 'green' thing to do. From the collecting of the raw materials, to making the steel, to making the engine itself, an enormous amount of energy goes into this process. It goes without saying, therefore, that a huge amount of energy is saved by remanufacturing. Good for the pocket and good for the planet.
Q. Is it only the engine that is remanufactured?
A. No. It is possible to remanufacture a cylinder head or a short engine. Both would be remanufactured to the same standard as a complete engine. Again, exchange units are available if that is better for the situation.
Q. What else should I consider when having my engine remanufactured?
A. You will need to consider that if, for example, your vehicle is eight years old, when you fit the remanufactured engine it will be as good as new and work as efficiently as new. Not so the other parts and ancillaries to the engine, which are still eight years old. The classic example is the water pump. When a remanufactured engine has been fitted and connected to the water pump it will probably be driving harder that when the engine was taken out. This could lead to failure and subsequent loss of coolant, which in turn could cause damage to your newly remanufactured engine. Make sure you speak to your supplier and ask his advice on what else should be done to ensure the best job.
A * Remember, if you are paying to have the engine remanufactured it pays to be sure everything else will keep up with it.